Bardic Annoyance
Bardic Annoyance
(legendary feat)
While performing you gain the following:
All creatures (including those friendly to you) within 100 ft of you with the ability to see and/or hear the performance must make a save on a DC 18. If fail they are incapacitated for up to 10 minutes after the performance.
Creatures you choose will not be affected by the performance and do not need to make a save.
If creatures succeed on a save roll you may choose to 'boost' your performance, forcing those creatures to make another save on a DC 19. If fail they are incapacitated for up to 20 minutes after the performance.
To achieve the benefits of this feat you MUST perform some act of entertainment: sing, dance, poetry, a long-winded limerick, anything loosely defined as 'entertainment'. If not, the DM reserves the right to disregard.
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